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  2. Publications
  3. The article “Important Points of Revised Green Guidelines” authored by our lawyer Yuki Takei was published on Japan Business Law Review, Vol.24 No.10, (Oct., 2024).



The article “Important Points of Revised Green Guidelines” authored by our lawyer Yuki Takei was published on Japan Business Law Review, Vol.24 No.10, (Oct., 2024).

The article “Important Points of Revised Green Guidelines” authored by our lawyer Yuki Takei was published on Japan Business Law Review, Vol.24 No.10, (Oct., 2024).

Journal: Japan Business Law Review, Vol.24 No.10, (Oct., 2024)
Title: Important Points of Revised Green Guidelines
Publisher: CHUOKEIZAI-SHA Co., Ltd.
Date of publication: August 21, 2024
