Developments in computer technology and the spread of digital networks have brought a remarkable progress in the digital/ technology industries. In recent years, the use of services through these new technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), AI, big data analytics and block-chain, has been drastically growing. As the new industry evolves and the use of its services is widely spreading and the legal matters relating to digital technology are surfacing, in a manner cross-cutting various laws including the areas that have hardly been dealt with in the past, such as the intellectual property laws, the antimonopoly laws (including overseas antitrust laws concerning the use of data), the personal information protection laws (including overseas regulations such as EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)) and laws and regulations relating to financial services (including settlement of funds, money transfer, cryptocurrency, initial coin offering (ICO)). We provide solutions for our clients who have entered, or seeking the entry, into the field of digital technology, and continue to study the legal aspects of this area catching up the latest technological developments, working with outside researchers and technical experts.